All posts by Samantha Andrews

Review: Hey Sunshine by Tia Giacalone

Synopsis for Hey Sunshine Avery Kent knows that life can change in an instant: one second you’re on your way out of small-town life, the next you’re left heartbroken and stunned when your thrill-seeking high school boyfriend runs off in pursuit of a potentially dangerous

Review: The Good Girl by Mary Kubica

Synopsis for The Good Girl One night, Mia Dennett enters a bar to meet her on-again, off-again boyfriend. But when he doesn’t show, she unwisely leaves with an enigmatic stranger. At first Colin Thatcher seems like a safe one-night stand. But following Colin home will

2016 Bookish Resolutions

Yet another new year is here. I always have a list of resolutions at the end of every year only for them to go out the window by the end of January. They’re the usual: eat healthy, exercise, lose weight, have more patience. Inevitably they

How the Bookworm Life Started

My name is Samantha. I’m a 30 year old wife, mother, and home educator. I’m also an avid reader and have been since I was eight years old. My fondest childhood memories are of swapping Goosebumps books with my friends, my dad taking me to